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회화전공 류유민 학생을 칭찬합니다.
작성일 : 2021/06/14 작성자 : 레오나르드 조회수 : 1338

Last Friday I lost my wallet in Hayang. After a frantic search I got a phone call from the Hayang police, someone had turned in my wallet. When I got there I was surprised to see my wallet with ALL of the money inside! Plus my bank cards and ID. When I called the phone number the police gave me I was also surprised to find out it was a Daegu Catholic University student who found it!! She wanted no reward, but was just happy to reunite me with my wallet. What a kind and thoughtful person she is! Today we met for coffee and I was able to thank her in person. If you see her, please congratulate her on this kind deed. Ryu You Min Fine Art major. Respectfully, Professor Leonard

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